Often your top executives live and work around the globe. And designing and administering compensation plans for these globetrotting earners is nuanced and detailed. Say-on-pay shareholder votes, tax incentives to reduce base salary, hard caps on bonuses and other new regulations are just a few of the details that you need to manage. Additionally, there are local tax, legal and Social Security requirements.
We will partner with you to manage your advisory, administrative and benefits solution services in multiple currencies under numerous jurisdictions. We can manage the requirements of voluntary and mandatory incentive alignment plans as well as other benefits for both U.S. and non-U.S.-based plans for thousands of secure accounts.
We have a team of experts in global executive compensation programs with members and participants on five continents. Our robust services allow you access to offshore trusts and account valuation for diverse portfolios, including retail funds, alternative investments, investment strategy funds, and other investment vehicles.
Additionally, our team will provide you with thorough reporting for currency exposure, residency, and other international issues. No matter where the funds are based, they can be administered and valued in the native currency. Our team can help you access reports on demand in a common currency or native fund currency to show to important stakeholders.
We will work with you to figure our your plan’s specific currency exchange requirements for awards, valuations, distributions and other processes.
If you are based in the U.S., we can help you with plans for U.S. citizens, permanent residents or anyone required to file a U.S. tax return, no matter where they live or work.